Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mutagenic Hit Parade #4 Stump’s “Charlton Heston”

Mutagenic Hit Parade #4 Stumps Charlton Heston

Stump were a four person anglo irish experimental rock group from cork, Ireland that released records and toured between 1983 and 1990. This video contains the song, Charlton Heston. To Learn more about stump, visit their website. To make a nomination for the mutagenic hit parade, visit this post. (video courtesy of frenchaccent)

Oldies but Goodies

Its ironic that a few weeks back I was lamenting being so out of touch with popular music - whats hot and happening now. I had hoped that perhaps I could catch up a bit while I was back in the US, maybe pick up a few new CDs. It hasnt quite worked out that way. I discovered that when Im scanning the radio stations, I seem to gravitate toward either the classic rock stations or the stations that play 80s, 90s, and today. I dont want to think too much about what that means about my age. N

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